The Way Home

Simple living, frugality, and conscious consumption have appealed to me and rotated back into my consciousness from time to time. In 2020 I finally started stepping into the world of Reddit, and r/simpleliving has been one of the communities where I've found some people with similar interests. It was there a couple months back that... Continue Reading →

Long-Term Living

My new job isn't quite so new now. I'm still learning things and it's still fresh, but I'm about 3 months in now and settled into the new rhythm of work - a four day weekend bookending three day work-weeks. Audio books from the library and from Audible are keeping my commute manageable, and it... Continue Reading →

Finding My Happy Place

I'm not going to go all Elizabeth Gilbert on you and gush about trips to exotic trips where I've found myself in some transcendent moment of self-discovery. I'm far too cynical for that, even though I not so secretly wish that I could drop everything (including my timidity) and run around the world for a... Continue Reading →

Introversion & Faith

Happy Sunday, Ladies and Gents. If you're like me, today you 1) went to church 2) relaxed around the house and 3) realized you have way too many chores to do before Monday comes around again. If you're not like me, particularly in that first category, the rest of this post might be largely irrelevant... Continue Reading →

Books + Travel = Love

Do you like to read? or travel? Or read about traveling? If you've spent any time reading my blog in the past year, you'll know that I like to do all of the above. There's something exhilarating and life-giving about traveling, about seeing a different way of life or even just some fresh scenery. When... Continue Reading →

My Blessed Body

There have been many days, weeks, and years of my life where I have not been happy with my body. There were the months surrounding my jaw surgery in junior high where even talking was difficult, interwoven with those awkward teenage years where nothing felt right. I'd be lying now if I said that I... Continue Reading →

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