Seizing Summer

After months at home as a family, June hit our household like an earthquake and now we're left to forge a new normal. We are in this weird in-between where COVID restrictions are mostly but not completely lifted. I am working in an office but still have to wear a mask all day since I... Continue Reading →

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Starting Over

When I gave notice at my former company, the best explanation I could give them was that I wanted to find a fresh start somewhere else. There are many factors that led to me deciding to leave instead of just considering it like I had months and even years prior. Since that conversation, I've had... Continue Reading →

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Pandemic National Parks Trip

National Parks have been frequent destinations. I've visited almost half of the 59 currently on the map. I'm not committing to seeing all of them in my life (here's looking at you, Alaska), but they are great places to visit, especially now. I realize that some states naturally lend themselves more to National Park trips... Continue Reading →

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When are you having another?

It sounds like such an innocent question, doesn't it? "When are you having another?" - I have one child and it's been a while since you've known me to be pregnant, so you're curious when she will get a sibling. Please, don't ask. When I have news to share, I'll share. (And yes, this is... Continue Reading →

Goodbye Social Media

What value does social media really add to life anymore? In high school, it was novel. In college, it was a way to connect and build relationships. After college it was a way to keep in touch with people from high school and college. For a while I believed that I needed a social media... Continue Reading →

The Way Home

Simple living, frugality, and conscious consumption have appealed to me and rotated back into my consciousness from time to time. In 2020 I finally started stepping into the world of Reddit, and r/simpleliving has been one of the communities where I've found some people with similar interests. It was there a couple months back that... Continue Reading →

Long-Term Living

My new job isn't quite so new now. I'm still learning things and it's still fresh, but I'm about 3 months in now and settled into the new rhythm of work - a four day weekend bookending three day work-weeks. Audio books from the library and from Audible are keeping my commute manageable, and it... Continue Reading →

Live A Life You Value

Becoming an adult means being able to draw lines around your life, to make decisions about the kind of person you want to be and to set your own values and priorities. It will be rare to find people who align closely with the decisions you make and that's okay. Other people live their own... Continue Reading →

Family Time

There's not a lot happening in life these days that feels encouraging on a personal level. On a larger scale it's good to see COVID cases going down and it's nice to know that spring is around the corner. Personally, though, I am just trying to make it through each day. I'm applying for jobs... Continue Reading →

Work vs. Family?

I've seen some women outsource childcare completely, others leave the workforce, and others still who have prioritized work and family to the detriment of their sleep, physical health and personal development. I'm still searching for a setting that will give me both a satisfying career and time to take care of myself and my family.

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